It’s nice to have good friends

Jeanette Byström GreinOkategoriserade

This is the last blog for now, during holiday. I will be back in august. Now I need to rest from writing for a while, even if I have not written so much in English, I need a break. I need to just be and take care of my self and my family. I suggest that you do the same, take care of yourself, your friends and your family. Take care and have a wonderful summer with lots of sun, good food, relaxing days…

Our daughter Nathalie died 19 years ago. Sometimes it actually feels as it was yesterday she died. Some images are still firmly etched in my memory.

After her death it happened many situations that made me realized that many find it very difficult to meet people that have lost someone that meant a lot to them. Since we do not know how we should behave, it’s easier to walk away without taking any contact…

I do remember one time very well, that was when I was at a clothing store for children and looked at some clothes for Robin. Further away at the store, I saw two women who also were looking at baby clothes. I was happy when I saw them because I knew them and thought I would first just decide which clothes I should take. Then I should go and say hello to them. It was only a few short seconds I looked down at the clothes and then when I looked up again, they were gone. This happened several times. When I was in town and saw someone I knew, coming towards me, and then when the person saw me, the person went into another street. You may think that they were going somewhere else, but you just know that it was not so. At first I felt a little bit sad, but I knew it was because they did not know how they would behave. They knew I had a tough time at the moment, that’s why they chose to take a different path at that time.

Anyway, it’s nothing to be afraid of when someone you know has lost a child, a spouse or a wife, parent … it’s just to go to the person and cry together and say, for example, ” I think of you.” You don’t need to say anything more, or you can just be quiet together with the person. You can send a card if it’s hard to take contact.

Nathalie had her birthday in May and every year since Nathalies death we have received a bouquet of flowers from a friend / family that has a boy who was born the same year as Nathalie. I’m really fascinated about this. The day before yesterday we received a beautiful orchid flower with the text ”In memory of your little angel Nathalie”. I am so moved by this loving act, that we are receiving every year. For 18 years, we have received a bouquet of flowers from this family, that’s amazing! I have many good friends that I’m so grateful that I have! A warm hug to all of you.

With light and greetings!
