Stop and listen

Jeanette Byström GreinOkategoriserade

When you meet someone it could be a person that you know or someone you do not know, so listen to what the person has to say to you. There may be an answer to a question you have asked yourself, as in the example that I have written below, from my book ”The Garden Within You”.

It is not easy to listen all the time, many times we are already moving in a direction or another, because we are stressed or we are thinking about what to say to the person we just met, we may think of something else instead of actively listen to what the person has to say.

We are getting messages, warnings, information… in different ways, but many times we are not responsive enough. If we could be more responsive to what other people are saying, if we could understand the meaning when a book falls down and shows an open page, when you get a book as a gift that might have a message for you … maybe you are getting information about something that is an important decision that you have to make, to understand why you did certain things, how you should act in certain situations … So stop and listen!

Ask a question about something, that you want to get answered and imagine that you send the question out into the universe and wait for the answer. Keep in mind, that the answer may come in a strange way.

Here is a text from my book!

With light and greetings!


”You may not get the response that you have been waiting for, but if you’re sensitive, the answer will come to you. You really have to be aware of the question. It’s not just to quickly think about the question, then the brain have no time register it.

As an example, I can tell you about an event that I was involved in many years ago. When I gave healing to a client, I hold my hands on the client’s body. Today I can get my hands to vibrate if I want to, it depends on what the persons body needs. The first few times this happened,  I did not understand what it was, and I did not know how it happened. It felt as if the client vibrated throughout the body. After some time, I realized it was my hands that vibrated. It was small, small vibrations that barely appeared on my hands. The woman however could feel it very strongly in her body.

Today, I can control the vibrations and it feels good. At the time I had a question I often asked myself. The question was what were these vibrations good for? What would I use them for? One day when I was with a friend, a few months after the first experience with my vibrating hands, I sat on her couch and took a pillow to support my back. Suddenly the pillow started to vibrate. I turned it back to front so what it was that made these vibrations, I did not see the buttons that sat on the front. I was greatly surprised when it started to vibrate. It felt like I got a massage. I wondered why it was vibrating and if it was good when it did that. My friend told me the answer. The massage went deeper into the body, she explained. Then I realized that the vibrations from my hands created a deeper healing, it made the energies to go deeper into the body. Today, I use this in a positive way, when I give healing. The clients themselves say, ”it feels as if the treatment goes deeper into the body” when I ask if they can feel a difference. In this way I got the answer to my question.